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9Marks Marriage Book Comparison Chart (HTML Version)

Which book do you use for pre-marital counseling? Which for married couples with problems? What's the best all around book on marriage? Questions like these prompted us to devise the Marriage Book Comparison Chart, which includes both a rating comparison chart and a brief review for thirty books on marriage.

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Author Book Complementarian? Scripturally Supported? Well Written? Ties individuals to local church? Theologically sound? Practical? Gospel Centered (as opposed to moralistic)? Helpful for communication & Conflict? Helpful on romance & sex? Helpful on money & finances? Suitable for personal, small group, pre-marital study? Ratings and accompanying review by…
Akin, Daniel God on Sex E E G F E E G E E NG G Owen Strachan
Ash, Christopher Married for God E G E G G E E NG E NG E Andreas Kostenberger
Ash, Christopher Marriage: Sex in the Service of God E E G NG G NG E NG NG NG   Andreas Kostenberger
Chapell, Bryan Each for the Other E E E NG E E E G NG NG E Brian Vickers
Chapman, Gary The Five Love Languages NG P F P P F/P P P P NG P David Powlison
Crabb, Larry The Marriage Builder NG G/P F P F/P G F G G NG P David Powlison
Eggerichs, Emerson Love & Respect G F E NG F/P G P E F NG F Nathan Lugbill
Harvey, Dave When Sinners Say I Do G/NG G G NG G G E G G G E Tom Schreiner
Hybels, Bill Fit to be Tied NG P F P/NG P/NG F F G G F P Scott Croft
Kostenberger, Andreas God, Marriage, and Family E E G NG E G F/NG NG NG NG G Tom Schreiner
LaHaye, Tim The Act of Marriage G/NG NG G NG G E NG G E NG G Jim Hamilton
Mack, Wayne Strengthening Your Marriage E E F P E E E G G G E Eric Bancroft
Mack, Wayne and Carol Sweethearts for a Lifetime E E E P E E E E G P E Eric Bancroft
Mahaney, Carolyn Feminine Appeal E E E E E E E E E E E Rick Holland
Mahaney, CJ Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God E E E NG E E E E E NG E Rick Holland
Mason, Mike The Mystery of Marriage NG G E NG G F G G G NG G Justin Taylor
Nelson, Thomas The Book of Romance F F F NG G G F G F NG F Jim Hamilton
Parrott, Les and Leslie Love Talk F P E P P E P F F F F Steve Boyer
Peace, Martha The Excellent Wife E E E P E E F/G E G NG G Jonathan Leeman
Peace, Martha & John Crotts Tying the Knot Tighter E E G G E E G G G G G Dee Reju
Priolo, Lou The Complete Husband E E G P E E E E E G E Andy Davis
Rainey, Dennis and Barbara Starting your Marriage Right E F E P G E F E G G E Blake Johnson
Ricucci, Gary and Betsy Love that Lasts E E G E E G E E E G E Mike McKinley
Scott, Stuart The Exemplary Husband E E G P E G E E G E E Bob Johnson
Sproul, RC The Intimate Marriage E G G NG E G G G G G G Justin Taylor
Thomas, Derek & Rosemary A Biblical Guide to Love, Sex and Marriage E E E NG E E G E G NG E Paul Alexander
Thomas, Gary Sacred Marriage G G E F G E G E F NG G Mike McKinley
Wheat, Ed Intended for Pleasure G F E NG G E G G E NG P Derek Thomas
Wheat, Ed Love for Every Married Couple G F E NG G E G G E F G Derek Thomas
Wheat, Ed Staying in Love for a Lifetime G F E NG G E G G E F G Derek Thomas
E = Excellent
G = Good
F = Fair
P = Poor
NG = Not a goal of the book